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The uses and gratification theory is an ideology which benefits an understanding on why and how audiences consume specific media products in order to comply with their needs.[1] The theory is domineered by understanding communication on a mass scale and establishes the ideal of the audience interpreting a media into their own livelihoods.  As well as this, the theory also demonstrates the conception of accountability and how the audience hold the responsibility of choosing media texts that meet their specific gratifications. [2]


The theory exemplifies four categories in which the uses and gratification theory must accomplish when audiences choose a media text:

















Identify is the category where the audience member is able to relate to the protagonists within the plot, and are able to recognise similar values of their persona within the characters.[2] In our short film, ‘Calamity’, both protagonists can be understood by arrange of audiences due to their stereotypical personas and development throughout the narrative structure. Our female protagonist, Olivia Wilstone, possesses a strong minded persona, due to her courage to leave a situation she isn’t comfortable with (her relationship). She could therefore be defined as an influential character on female audience members, due to female inferiority being present within relationships of our times. We also see that the character of Olivia obtains an element of maturity in her mind-set, due to her ant to become a mother. This could also however demonstrate a form of naivety in her personage, due to her age in wanting to take such a big step. Despite this naivety, this makes her an even more relatable character, because many teenagers possess naïve traits, thus being easily influenced by this female protagonist. The male protagonist, Kyle Lang, possess a determined and persistent persona, in his race against time to catch Olivia and explain things to her before she leaves. Kyle could be perceived as an almost heroic figure in his efforts to save his relationship, thus being an influence to many male figures who seek love. However, you could mistake his self-assurance with arrogance, thus allowing the audience to disagree with his persona. Despite this, many males could still relate to the character of Kyle, whereby they are not ready for commitment, therefore putting on a façade to their partners.





The entertainment stage’s ideology stems from the idea of escapism, thus allowing the audience to escape their lives and enjoy the portrayal on life the media product provides.[1] This then allows the audience to forget about the stress and worry of their daily lives, thus increasing their enjoyment factor. Our narrative has an extremely sensitive storyline (terrorism), therefore, within scenes containing both protagonists, we tried to incorporate humour, provoking a neutral feeling of content amongst the audience members. Olivia and Kyle’s relationship is portrayed as loving, through the jokes and fun they exchange, therefore creating an element of happiness throughout the audience. This idea of a positive relationship could further fuel the audience member’s fantasies and allow them to escape into a fantasy they relate to with the protagonists. As well as this, this stage puts the audience in a state of relaxation, because they become immersed into the experience whilst viewing the lives of the characters within the plot narrative.





Social Interaction is the category which evokes a topic of discussion between the audience, thus sparking a debate on subject matters and themes within the plot.[2] This stage may also give the media product attention and spark debates on a mass scale. In our media product, there are many elements of controversy, between both protagonists, as well as the antagonistic situation which occurs. The relationship the two protagonists share, exemplifies elements of dysfunction, due to their very different personas. They could be demonstrated to obtain the binary opposition of dominance vs weakness, however, this could be up to the audience to distinguish who fits which role. In some aspects, you could suggest Kyle is the more dominant, due to him having the final word of whether they start a family or not. This succumbs Olivia to sadness due to her not being able to fulfil her dream of a family, due to Kyle’s opinion on the matter. However, the audience could perceive the character of Olivia to have a more dominant role in the relationship. This is because she left Kyle, in order to find something Kyle cannot provide. This epitomizes her initiative within the situation and her strength to have her own mind. This results in Kyle chasing after her to win her back, making him look almost desperate, due to his realisation that he doesn’t just want Olivia but he needs her. There could also be a debated sparked as to whose fault it was that Olivia dies, or whether they were both just at the wrong place at the wrong time. You could say it was Kyle’s fault that Olivia was in the incident, because his view on not wanting to start a family is the reason Olivia left, therefore it could have been avoided. On the other hand, Olivia chose to leave rather than understand Kyle’s opinion and come to an alternative. In some aspects however, both characters could just be victims of reality and it is the terrorists who stared the explosion’s fault.





This is the stage of the theory where the audience acquires an understanding as to what is going on within the character lives, thus gaining a form of knowledge and maybe a different perspective on life. [2] In our production, ‘Calamity’, the audience learn from Kyle and Olivia’s consequences. The theme of relationships is a predominant motif embedded within out film, therefore the audience gain an insight on the do’s and don’ts of relationships, whilst questioning the concepts of teenage pregnancy. As well as this, the plot twist within our film id the theme of terrorism, therefore the audience can learn the drastic effect of terrorism, and can really feel the affect this topic has on people, thus evoking sympathy and knowledge on the long term effects of terrorism in society.





By Tamia Mullaney-Downer

Uses and Gratification Theory



-Social Interaction




Social Interaction-


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