The director of our 5 minute short film is Tamia Mullaney-Downer. The job role of a director is crucial in the filming process, due to the fact they are the ‘creative driving force’ in a film’s production. The director over sees the entire process, bringing it to life through every moment. They have priority over the way things are done when filming and are a fundamental factor of the film’s outcome and primary success. Taking all of this into consideration, Tamia must be able to achieve the creation of a verisimilitude through the four technical aspects, allowing the audience to become immersed into the experience and helping them understand the narrative in an interesting, stylised manner.
The cinematographer of our 5 minute short film is Leila Monfared. The role of the cinematographer is crucial in encapsulating every single emotion of a character through the execution of various shot types. In order to create a verisimilitude, it is Leila’s job to implement a range of camera shots, aiding the audience’s understanding of the narrative and how the protagonists and antagonists think and feel. As well as this, due to the fact Leila is responsible for the outcome of every take, she must have an advanced understanding on the importance of certain devices, for example tripods, and how equipment she uses affects the desired atmosphere we would like to exemplify. An example of this is , if our protagonist is running from a situation, Leila is aware that using a go pro would be beneficial, in order for the shot to be more realistic and easier for the actor to carry out.
Zafir Choudhury is in charge of the editing and sound for our production, which is again a crucial factor of the filming process, that requires attention to detail and a creative eye. Zafir is in charge of the fluidity from one shot to another and must piece the shots taken by Leila to life. The editor is also in charge of the diegetic and non diegetic sound implementations, and effectively creates the atmosphere for the entire film. Our production has a very tense story line, and incorporates a build up to a plot twist, therefore Zafir must use music to foreshadow the traumatic plot twist, without giving too much away to the audience. He must also distinguish when he can use contrapuntal sound and sound that parallels with the action. This is because contrapuntal sound could be used to trick the audience into thinking that the atmosphere will remain non disruptive, succumbing them to shock when the plot twist occurs; however, the sound he uses still needs to be suitable to what is going on in the shot , to avoid leading the audience into discombobulation. He also must refrain from breaks in the action through insufficient editing, because this will stop the audience from becoming immersed into the experience and resulting in an unprofessional outcome.
By Tamia Mullaney-Downer