For our production, collectively as a group we have decided our certification to be a 12A. We chose this because we felt viewers under the age of 12 may find some scenes disturbing or be highly effected by the theme of teenage pregnancy or death. Films, which are 12A, are not to be watched by anyone under the age of 12, unless accommodated by an adult. However, we do not feel t is suitable to increase the certification to 15; this is because our production doesn’t include scenes which include; nudity, imitable behaviour or drugs. Also, we can understand that a younger audience may not emotionally connect with the storyline or understand the plot, whereas an older audience may understand the storyline and comprehend how it unfolds. Whereby they can have an emotional connection with the characters and feel empathy for them.
Our film may include:
However, 12A films may include:
Imitable behaviour
Strong Language
BBFC states that there may be moderate physical or physiological threat or horror sequences, whereby within our production the bomb scene and archive footage scenes may be highly disturbing to younger viewers.
Even though throughout the short film there are no obvious scenes of nudity or sexual intimacy, there are scenes of subtle intimacy and affection. Which wouldn’t be clearly understood by a younger audience, however an older audience would understand the connection between both characters.
Through the theme of our production, love and death is portrayed throughout, whereby these themes unfold with subtle messages of teenage pregnancy. Therefore, though these scenes younger audiences may perceive them as; disturbing, inappropriate and misleading.
By Leila Monfared