The film I have chosen to analyse the credits of is London River, a film that is much related to ours. The plot centres on the journey of two people searching for their children after the 7 July 2005 London bombings. While observing 'London River' I had a clear idea of what credits I will need to include in our production. The credits begin in french as the film is based on a French man searching for his child, although our film will only be based on the English language, it gave me an idea of how other films target their audience as the film includes the language of both English and french to catch both nations audience. This is very effective way as a french man experiences a tragic London event.
Below you can see the English credits used for 'London River' showing a clear line to line of who did what in the film, I noticed that the casting includes everyone even characters that plays smaller roles are featured in the film such as the 'Drivers'. I will certainly remember this while I will be doing the credits for our production as it is very important to include everyone's participation in the film.
By Zafir Choudhury
The film begins with an opening title of the director of the film, the director plays a large part of producing the film which is why the name of the director is presented first.
Analysis Of Credits Used
The credits we have used are shown below: