1. What gender are you?
Female Male
2. What age category do you fit in?
12-14 15-17 18-20 21-23 24+
3. Would you watch our short film, after reading the synopsis?
Yes No
4. After reading the script, is the narrative clear?
Yes No
5. After reading the synopsis, is the narrative clear?
Yes No
6. Is our character/s development clear enough?
Yes No
7. After reading the script and synopsis, is our storyline clear?
Yes No
8. Based on our synopsis, will our short film have a clear plot?
Yes No
9. After reading our script, what is the strongest element?
Character development Dialogue Narrative
10. After reading our script, what is the weakest element?
Character development Dialogue Narrative
11. Does our title 'Calamity' relate to the script?
Yes No
12. After reading the script, does the narrative evoke emotion?
Yes No
13. Do you feel the locations suit best with our storyline?
Yes No
14. Our target audience is 12-25, does our narrative fit with the target audience?
Yes No