Drama film is a genre that relies on the emotional and relational development of realistic characters. While Drama film relies heavily on this kind of development, dramatic themes play a large role in the plot as well. Often, these dramatic themes are taken from intense, real life issues.
The drama genre of film is shown to portray an element of real life issues at hand taking centre role of the storyline and how this may effect people within the film also, they may include an ENIGMA or plot twist.
This genre also may show the development or journey of one or several characters from an problematic issue. An example of this could be; ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ We see that Hazel Grace is a cancer Patient who meets and boy (Gus Waters) and falls in love him. But as the story-Line develops, we understand that Gus begins to get unwell and unfortunately dies. - This may portray a PLOT TWIST within the storyline whereby we think Hazel may die as she is very unwell but Gus dies.
There are many conventions of the genre – Drama. These are very easy to point out and also add to the effect and impact it has upon the audience.
-Conveys a character/s development or journey throughout the film.
-May include real life stories, situations or settings.
-Include dramatic music and sound effects to react a certain reaction upon the audience. – Example; ‘My Sisters Keeper’
-Within the beach scene, we see the use of sound effects and music within the background creates the scene, the soft sound of the waves crashing amongst one another and the soft singing with the guitar creates a certain atmosphere throughout,e.g. happiness, sadness, despair, love, joy etc.
-There are various different sub-cultures within the genre, however there are ways to distinguish what genres are what.
The Sub-genres are:
- CRIME DRAMA – follows a characters journey who may be involved within the law enforcement or criminal activity.
- HISTORICAL DRAMA – Gravitates towards significant historic events, especially war films.
- COMEDY DRAMA – Uses an equal balance of drama yet involves humour within the film to lighten the subject.
- MELODRAMA – Often puts the character/s in danger to gain an emotional reaction from the audience.
- ROMANTIC DRAMA – Focuses on romantic love and the journey between two people/ or more.
- PERIOD PIECE – Focuses on specific era, usually based upon a novel.
By Leila Monfared