Throughout our production, we shall be using various different types of camera shots and angles which will be able our film to capture different aspects and perspectives of our film. The use of these different types of shots also creates different emphases on different parts of the film. For example; the use of a close up of someone’s face, may be used to portray the current emotions of an character.
The different shots we shall be using within our short film are;
-Close ups
-Medium Close ups
-Wide shots
-Medium shot
-Point of View (POV)
-Long shot
â– Close up – This is a shot which may sometimes frame someone's face or an object, this creates an emphasis on this and may be used to help convey a certain emotion. E.g. An close up of an women's face may place an emphasis on her sadness or despair.
â– Medium close up– This is similar to the close up however, this may be from an medium distance, e.g. a medium shot of someone from there head down to their shoulders almost with this all in the frame. This shot can also be used to convey someone's facial expressions or actions.
â– Wide shot – This can also be referred to as an establishing shot, whereby is may show an location of where something is set (setting), also helps the audience gain an understanding of where everything is set too. An example of this would be a wide shot of a city before the rest of a film/show may continue, to help the audience understand where the character/s are.
â– Two-shot – This is a shot which will convey of two people within the frame, this may be of them having a conversation, sitting somewhere. However, this shot is NOT taken through shot reverse shot.
â– Medium shot – The medium shot is often used within films, they show majority of a character’s body down to their waist. This shot is often used to help the audience watch a character’s body language and capture the true emotions through their movement. An example of this would be a medium shot of an character presenting a monologue which may show the character with their hands over their face which conveys emotions of fear and insecurity.
â– Point of view shot (POV) – This shot is filmed within the perspective of the character and shows what the character may be looking at, this enables the audience to see things from the characters ‘point of view’.
â– Long shot – This shot is framed to show things from a very far distance, this may also be used within showing an setting/landscape or location. This may be shown to be similar to the wide shot and establishing shot.
Each shot which we have decided to use will enable the audience to evoke different emotions and capture different elements of our character/s and the plot. For example; we felt that the use of close ups is extremely vital within our production when producing a film which follows the conventions of a film within the genre, drama. This is because, our storyline is also shown to be one which may trigger empathetic emotions from viewers which will outline the deep meanings and themes conveyed through our short film like; pregnancy, tragedy, love and regret.
Our short film through different shots will also tell a story of its own, by focusing upon the two main characters and presenting their facades and true emotions on every situation or obstacle thrown at them within their lives. Each shot used within our production will highlight and give our audience a better understanding of our characters.
By Leila Monfared
Media Techniques
What shots will we be using?
What are these shots?
Why should we use these shots?