Using an survey, enables us to gain responses on our production and help us direct our production in the direction we want it to take. It also enables us to depict the weaknesses within our production and what needs to be greatly improved on. Using an survey platform online, enables us to gain many responses faster and from a varied group of people from different backgrounds, socio-economical groups, and age groups.
Our production team carried out an pre-questionnaire to gain information/results from our target audience and others outside of that to region. Our questionnaire's consisted of around 15 questions about our short film. People who took part within the online questionnaire (powered by SurveyMonkey) were asked various questions about the production on the basis of reading our synopsis, storyline and script. From gaining this data from various different people from different age groups (labelled within the questionnaire), we was able to grasp an understand what were our strongest and weakest elements within our script, synopsis and storyline. This also enabled our production group to use these critical points to help better and improve our production before filming. E.g. if our locations listed didn’t relate/link with our script, our group could adjust our location and choose somewhere more suitable for our production.
When evaluating our results from the questionnaire’s we understand that we have a balance of strengths and weakness, whereby from these we hope to improve our production before filming.
We have gathered the weaknesses our production before production which we may need to improve on:
-Character development through script
-Narrative being clear through script
-Storyline being clear.
However, there was many elements which were strengths within our script, storyline and synopsis:
-Name of production relating with synopsis
-Clear plot seen through synopsis and storyline
-Dialogue being the strongest element in the script
-Script evoking strong emotion
Overall from our survey and collected results/responses, we have taken into consideration the errors and improvements that we have made and will make before filming. Also we have taken into account the strengths our production will hold through dialogue, script, storyline and synopsis. From these results we shall be able to depict our weaknesses clearly enough to make quick and sensible alterations to our production, our main focus throughout is to appeal to our target audience (12-25) whereby we hope that our production’s storyline will be clearly understood by our target age group and enables them to connect with our short film. By using the survey, it allows our production team to understand how to accommodate our target audience. For example; creating an easier and clear enough character development throughout for the younger group of our target audience to understand the storyline also.
However, we have learnt how to conduct survey’s before our production, to aid us in improving and creating new ideas to add within our short film. Also this has enabled us to get first hand pubic responses on our short film faster and gain reliable information.
By Leila Monafred