Higher managerial or professional
Immediate managerial or professional
Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial
Skilled manual workers
Semi & unskilled manual workers
Casual workers, pensioners, benefits
Our chosen target audience ranges from the ages of 12-25, targeted at the socio economic groups of C1, C2, D and E. Choosing out target audience is a fundamental aspect of the planning process, because the viewers need to be able to connect with the plot on a relatable level, thus becoming immersed into the experience. We chose the age range of 12- 25, because of our storyline, which touches upon the sensitive subjects of terrorism and loss at a young age, therefore, our film would be suitable for a mature audience who will be able to understand the concept and be able to relate to this.
The drama genre exemplifies an in depth progression of a realistic portrayal on life, where the protagonists deal with a range of emotive themes. These themes create conflict amongst the characters, leading to a disruption, which alters the equilibrium. Throughout our short film, the protagonists come across various obstacles from teenage pregnancy to death, therefore, we chose to target teenagers on a broader scale too not only increase the relatable factors, but to also raise awareness of the severity of teenage pregnancy to the teenagers on the lower quartile of the scale. As well as this, using such a young age (12), contradicts the general age range of drama films, which stem from the ages of 15 onwards. We therefore decided to juxtapose the norm, in order to create a learning experience for the younger audiences in order to raise awareness. We decided to have the higher tier for our audience to be the age of 25. This is because our film implements two teenagers as the main protagonists and deals with the underlying motif of teen pregnancy, therefore older viewers may find the plot unrelatable, this not finding it engaging. However, we have also incorporated the concept of terrorism, which is a wide spread issue affecting many ranges of people, therefore, we feel that 25 years of age was a young enough age to understand the teenage concepts, whilst understanding the theme of terrorism on an emotional level.
Our short film is aimed at all genders, due to the versatile themes incorporated into the plot narrative. There is an element of romance incorporated into our production which general would appeal to the female audiences, however, the main protagonist is a stereotypical male, with a element of humour in his persona, therefore, this would relate to the male viewers because it allows them to relate with a character and understand things from his point of view, thus empathising with him towards the end of the production.
We decided to target all ethnicities for our production. This is because our short film is domineered by the theme of terrorism, which affects individuals of every ethnic background, succumbing us to vulnerability. We decided
We chose to aim our short film at the socio economic groups of C1, C2, D and E because we feel they would appeal to the concepts more so than the groups higher up on the scale. This is due to both protagonists within our short film being in the group of E.
Demographics are used within the media distinguish an audience into gender, age and race, as well as other categories. Demographics can be separated into categories depending on the status of an individual as well as their job. Demographic research into choosing our target audience allowed us to distinguish who would be most suited to our film. The two main characters within our narrative are in the lower half of the soico econmic char because they are teenagers, therefore we felt a younger audience on the low end of the scale would be able to relate more to the characters and understand their stories, allowing more room for empathy than that of the higher classes.
Higher managerial or professional
Immediate managerial or professional
Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial
Skilled manual workers
Semi & unskilled manual workers
Casual workers, pensioners, benefits
Psychographics divide audiences into groups based on social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics. It is built on the assumptions that brands and certain products a consumer buys has a reflection on their personality and characteristics. Our genre is a drama, which may not appeal to every consumer within the psychographic spectrum. A convention of a drama is the way it exemplifies a dramatic take on everyday life. This may not appeal to main streamers like 'strugglers' who see escapism from everyday life. This tends to be people on the lower part of the socio economic scale like E. Our film therefore may not appeal to them as much because our film is a zeitgeist and exemplifies societies struggle. Therefore they cannot escape into the new world of the film because it mirrors their everyday lives.
By Tamia Mullaney-Downer